Sunday, April 21, 2013

5 Rules in Business

Here are 5 rules that, if you adhere to them, will lead you to business success:

1. You get paid for done. You don't get anything for having a great idea, getting started or developing a plan. The finish is what matters. You only reap the rewards when you get done.

2. Be remarkable. No one raves about ordinary. Deliver an extraordinary experience and a caliber of service that people can't help but talk about and everything else about business becomes much, much easier.

3. Never stop learning. At every seminar I've ever been to, the most successful people always seemed to be asking questions and taking notes. This is not an accident.

4. One is the loneliest number. Only one revenue stream and you're only a couple of steps away from disaster. Only one team member means no time off and a lot of time working on things you don't enjoy working on.

5. Treat everyone like a prospect. Treat every prospect like a client. Treat every client like they're family. Treat your family (and business family) like gold. As far as I'm concerned, relationships are everything. Grow your relationships and you'll also be growing your business.

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